The Environmental Noise Training Course covers current Guidance, Standards and Legislation regarding noise in the environment; local authority guidelines and the impact of excessive noise; principles of noise and hands on experience with environmental sound meters and how to analyse data and report the findings.
Who Should Attend
If you are an environmental professional or have a responsibility for environmental issues with regard to the impact of noise, then this course is designed for you. This will apply equally if you work in industry, local authority, construction or consultancy.
Aims and Objectives
This course will give you a detailed insight into the current standards and legislation regarding environmental matters (e.g. National Planning Policy Framework (incorporating the Technical Guidance), Noise Policy Statement for England, British Standard BS 4142, BS 5228) as well as the Environmental Protection Act, and will equip you to prepare a detailed environmental noise survey report.
You will look in some detail at Local Authority implemented guidelines issued on subjects ranging from “Clubs & Pubs” noise to “Barking Dogs”, and not forgetting “Noisy Neighbours.” The course also covers Acoustic Theory; Noise Reduction Techniques; Instrumentation and Measurement.
- To ensure that you have an understanding of the principles of environmental noise, including the subjective effects on people
- To give an in depth view of the recently introduced National Planning Policy Framework, standards and legislation covering environmental noise
- To develop and understand the effects of factors that influence measurements
- To give an insight into instrumentation and practical noise monitoring
- To give you an insight into measuring background noise levels
- To develop fundamentals of noise theory and basic predictive methodologies
- To equip you with the knowledge and skills to write a competent assessment report